Stay last minute near Efteling

Stay last minute near the Efteling

Book your last-minute stay at 10 minutes’ walking distance from Efteling! Spend the night in one of the spacious family rooms and dream away in the comfortable beds. After a long day, you can retire to bed in no time. We have rooms with two to eight beds per room, how cosy is that?

Would you like to stay in a hotel near Efteling last minute? Then GuestHouse Hotel is the right place for you! We have several packages that perfectly suit your last minute Efteling stay. The rooms are ready from 15.00 hours, but you are welcome to pick up your tickets in the morning and leave your bags in the luggage room. That way you can be well prepared for your adventure to Efteling!

Keep an eye on the website for current availability.

Click here for more information on Efteling packages

Discover Holland during a last minute holiday

Looking for a last minute hotel in Holland? Then look no further! At GuestHouse Hotel in Kaatsheuvel, you will stay in the heart of Brabant. Kaatsheuvel is centrally located between Breda, Tilburg and ‘s-Hertogenbosch. The fortified town of Heusden is also nearby. So there is plenty to do during your last minute holiday in Kaatsheuvel!

Choose a suitable package and enjoy!

We have several packages that perfectly match your desired stay. Is one day enough to visit Efteling? Then choose our Efteling package small. Would you rather visit Efteling for two days? Then you should definitely go for our Efteling package large! And if you love a bit of variety and adventure, then our Fairy Tales & Safari package is exactly what you are looking for! This package allows you to visit Efteling for 1 day and Safaripark Beekse Bergen for 1 day. With all packages, you can decide how many nights you stay.

Packages to discover the area

GuestHouse Hotel is just a 5-minute walk from the Efteling. Step 700 metres and you are at the gate of the World of Wonders!

We offer various packages with or without tickets to the Efteling. Of course, we serve a delicious buffet breakfast every morning, which can always be booked separately. The FoodBar is open daily from 17:00 to 21:30.